Faith Family Mission

Faith Family Church exists in order to represent
Jesus Christ and make disciples of Him.

Faith Family Core Values

Leadership: We are dedicated to having leaders that follow the examples and imperatives for leaders of the people of God as shown throughout the pages of Scripture.

Faith: We consider genuine faith in Jesus to be the foundation for the existence of the Church. Genuine faith is proven by real actionable fruit and ultimately serves to empower believers in the ministry of the gospel.

Scripture: We seek the truth of Scripture and are devoted to follow its teaching as the first and primary source for all knowledge and understanding.

Community: We believe that healthy community within the church and with our neighbors in the local area is not only a joy to live out but it strengthens every aspect of how we experience being the Body of Christ.

Unity: We are constantly striving to be in unity with our fellow Christians, especially within this local body. We recognize that we may disagree on many things but we choose to do so with charity, while remaining unwavering and uncompromising on the essential doctrines that unite us as Christians.

Prayer: We cannot exist as a healthy church without a healthy discipline of prayer that goes beyond the individual believer being in prayer and extends to the entire body of believers joining together in corporate prayer.

Discipleship: We exist as followers of Jesus Christ to live our lives walking as He walked. We must be in obedience to Christ’s commission to raise up others to be disciples of Jesus as well. Every person regardless of where they are at in their journey of faith in Jesus Christ needs further discipling to look and act more like Jesus.

Boldness: We recognize that the world is in opposition to Jesus Christ and so we look to our forefathers in the faith as the example of how to live out a bold faith that is ready to sacrifice all as witnesses of Jesus Christ.

Accountability: We recognize that the enemy chooses to isolate us in our sin and so we choose to be a community that lives in the freedom of accountability with one another.

Service: All those who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit have been called and gifted with a purpose to be lived out for the good of others, and especially the good of the Church. In light of this we join together as a church with the expectation that all who call this their church would be active in service.

Outreach: We gather together and are strengthened to be about the ministry of reaching the world outside of the Church. We do not just support other ministries in the work of outreach but recognize the work falls to us, the Body of Christ.

Love: We can live out all of our values but if we do so without love than it is useless and done in vain. We must do all things with a genuine love for the Lord God that generates a true love for others.

Faith Family Church agrees with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 which can be found below